Pineapple Builder

Add Blog Post

Start Blogging with just a single click. No configuration, just new page with Simpler Editor optimised for blogging with AI help.

From the Editor or Dashboard click "Add page" and pick page type "Blog", it will create new page for you. Open it and use the editor to add content.

add blog_post_page
add blog_post_page


Blog Folder

Note: It's a good practice to add your blog posts under /blog folder as then your url structure is cleaner and it helps you to organise all your blog posts.

blog folder_2
blog folder_2

AI Blogging

Going further leverage AI Boggler to streamline your ideas into blog posts.


Read and watch videos about building your blog from our Website's Dashboard.

checklist blog
checklist blog
Pineapple Builder - AI Website Builder Create Docs