Pineapple Builder

How to activate Analytics?

When you add your custom domain to your website, analytics are configured automatically. This means that the system is set up to automatically begin gathering and analyzing data about your website's performance and user behavior. This includes data such as the number of visitors, the pages they visit, the duration of their visit, where they came from, and more.

This process starts as soon as your website goes live. Therefore, from the moment your website is accessible to the public, your custom domain's analytics are actively tracking and accumulating valuable information for your use.

Connect Custom Domain

In order to add analytics to your website, you must first connect your custom domain. A custom domain is your unique web address (URL) that represents your brand or the name of your website.

add custom_domain
add custom_domain

Successful configuration

Once your custom domain is connected, the analytics tool will start operating. This tool allows you to automatically track and gather data about your users' behavior on your site. The data collected may include information such as the number of visitors, their locations, the pages they visit most, the devices they use, and the time they spend on your site.

analytics dashboard
analytics dashboard

This invaluable information can help you understand your audience better, improve your site's performance, and optimize your marketing strategies.

Integrate 3rd party Tracking

Google Analytics 4

Integrating third-party analytics tracking into your website is a straightforward process. If you are using Google Analytics 4, there's a simple integration process. This involves generating a tracking ID from your Google Analytics account and adding it to your website. This allows Google to track and report on traffic to your site. Here you can see an GA4 integration example.


Other Services

If you wish to integrate other third-party analytics tools, you can do so by adding custom scripts to your website. These scripts are usually provided by the analytics service. You can insert these scripts into the HTML of your website, generally within the head tags.

This enables the third-party service to monitor your site's activity just like Google Analytics does. Remember, the integration process can slightly vary based on the specific analytics tool and your website's platform. But in essence, the procedure involves obtaining a unique tracking code and embedding it into your website's code.

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