How to start?
Achieving your goals doesn't require expertise or prior knowledge. You already have the answers within you! All you need is a pen and paper to jot down your thoughts.
By writing your results and notes, you create a clear path to success. Let's turn your dreams into reality! In the next chapters, I will cover in detail each step with more examples.
The 3 Steps to Results
1. The Results
Write down the results you want
Be specific
Dream big
Don’t focus on “How you will get there”!
2. Validate
Why do you really want them?
How will your life look like when you get this result?
What will happen if you fail? Is it painful?
Are you 100% certain you can and you will achieve it?
NOTE: If you're uncertain about these questions or your ability to achieve the goal, revisit step 1 and make adjustments.
3. Write Massive Actions You Must Take
List high-level actions you need to take
Try something new
Thing what was blocking you in the past and address it
Before starting this, let's explore in depth the process to ensure you understand the process, so you can set goals effectively and achieve them successfully.