Pineapple Builder

SEO Keyword Optimisation

What people are searching and how to create content that will get views?

Keyword Research

Start by identifying the keywords that your target audience is using to find services similar to yours. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or aHref to find these keywords.


If you're a SaaS business, your keywords might be:

- "SaaS solutions"
- "business software"
- "productivity tools"

Content Creation:

Once you have your keywords, incorporate them into your website content. This includes your page titles, headings, body content, image alt text, and meta descriptions.


"Welcome to our SaaS solutions page. We offer top-notch business software designed to boost your productivity."

Keyword Placement

Keywords should be strategically placed throughout your website. Important areas to place your keywords include:

Page Titles

The title of your pages is one of the most important SEO elements. Make sure to include your primary keyword here.

Example: "Effective SaaS Solutions | Your Business Name"

Headings and Content:

Use your keywords in the headings and body of your content. But remember, it's important to keep the content natural and readable.

Example: "Our SaaS solutions are designed to streamline your business processes and boost productivity."


If possible, use keywords in your page URLs.


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