Pineapple Builder

Pineapple + Praisehive

Use the power of social proof to drive more sales


PraiseHive helps you build trust in your brand by allowing you to collect and showcase testimonials from your happy customers. With PraiseHive, you can leverage the power of social proof to increase your conversion rate.

Connect PraiseHive to Pineapple Builder to showcase your best testimonials and show why your customers love you.

Main benefits

Add social proof

Showcase testimonials from satisfied customers to increase your conversion rate.

Flexible display options

Choose the way you want to display your testimonials (carousel, grid, avatars...).

Complete customization

Personalize the look of your testimonials to match your brand identity.

Add Praisehive to Pineapple Builder

Step 1: Add "Embed" component

In editor Add embed component with "plus" button before or after the component and choose Embed (code)

Embed 2
Embed 2
Step 2: Edit "Embed" component
Embed 3
Embed 3

Step 3: Copy Iframe code

Navigate to Praisehive dashboard, create a form and copy the code. You can find more details here.

Praisehive 1
Praisehive 1
Step 4: Pased your code under Embed (code) on the left panel.
Praiswhive code
Praiswhive code
Praisehive final
Praisehive final

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