Pineapple Builder

Launch & Go Live

Your website is all set to make its grand debut, crafted with a responsive design for optimal viewing across devices. Give your content a quick once-over and with a simple click, your site is ready to shine online.

Here is a checklist:

1. Finalize Your Content

Make sure all your website content is in place and looks the way you want it to. This includes text, images, and any other elements you've added.

2. Check SEO Tags

Ensure your page is fully optimized with all the necessary SEO tags to rank high in search results. With Pineapple Builder, this process is simplified. Our AI assistant is designed to generate these tags for you. Simply check the status of your page and make updates as needed.

3. Responsive Website

Use the 'Preview' button to see how your website will look once it's live. This is a great way to catch any last-minute changes you need to make.

TIP: Keyboard shortcuts can be a real time-saver! Here are some that you can use in Pineapple Builder:

  • Preview on Mobile: Use the keyboard shortcut CMD+1 to see how your website will look on a mobile device.

  • Preview on Tablet: CMD+2 to preview your website on a tablet.

  • Preview on Desktop: CMD+3 will show you the desktop version of your website.

  • Full Width Preview: If you want to see your website in full width, use the CMD+4 shortcut.

These shortcuts allow you to quickly switch between different views, making it easier to ensure your website looks great on all devices. Remember to check each view before publishing to ensure your website is fully responsive.

4. Publish Your Website

Once you're happy with how everything looks, click the 'Publish' button. Your website will now be live and accessible to the public. You can also claim your subdomain, under domain or add a custom domain.

Add a Custom Domain (Optional)

If you want to use a custom domain for your website, you can do so by following the instructions in our support documents. You can purchase a domain from

NameCheap, or use a domain you already own.

7. What's next?


Once your website is live, it's time to track its performance. With our premium plan, your analytics are seamlessly integrated, providing you with insights on who's visiting your website and from where. You can also set goals and create conversion funnels (coming soon) to identify areas of your website that need enhancement. You can also integrate other tracking services, here are some examples.

Share Your Website

Now that your website is live, it's time to share it with the world! You can do this through social media, email newsletters, or any other method you prefer.

Remember, you can make changes to your website even after it's been published. Simply make the changes in the Pineapple Builder editor, and then click 'Publish' again to update your live website.

Pineapple Builder - AI Website Builder Create Docs