Pineapple Builder


Custom ChatGPT for your website



What does the Chatbase do?

Chatbase allows users to create custom AI chatbots using their own data, which can be embedded on websites or integrated via API for customer support, lead generation, and user engagement.

Who is the Chatbase for?

Chatbase is ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to enhance their customer interaction, support, and lead generation capabilities through AI chatbots.

What are the main benefits of using the Chatbase?

- Customizable AI chatbots tailored to your brand and needs
- No-code setup and easy integration
- Advanced analytics for performance tracking
- Supports multiple languages and data sources
- Robust privacy and security measures

What do other users say about the Chatbase?

“For anyone on the fence - in the 2 hours since this tweet I've tested, set up and gone live on three separate websites with Chatbase. Still need to do some light tweaking of the base prompt but very happy with the results.”
“This is awesome”
“Another overpowered project built with the 🪄 OP stack”
“This is awesome, thanks for building it!”
“Website embed works like a charm even with non-English content!”

How much does the Chatbase cost?

Paid, $19/mo

Use Cases for Chatbase:

Enhancing Customer Support

Chatbase can be used to provide 24/7 customer support, offering personalized assistance and swift query resolutions.

Improving Lead Generation

The chatbot can collect and qualify leads, providing a personalized experience to potential customers.

Engaging Users with AI Personas

Create and deploy AI personas to engage users on various topics, enhancing user interaction and satisfaction.

Multi-platform Integration

Chatbase chatbots can be added to websites, mobile apps, or any other platform, ensuring seamless user interaction across different media.


The Most Common Questions

Chatbase allows businesses to create custom AI chatbots that can be embedded on websites or integrated via API to enhance customer support, lead generation, and user engagement.

Key features include customizable AI chatbots, advanced analytics, multiple data sources, privacy & security, auto-retrain, and integration with tools like Slack and WhatsApp.

Chatbase offers a no-code, customizable solution with robust analytics and multi-language support, making it accessible and effective for businesses worldwide.

Concerns might include data privacy and security; however, Chatbase addresses these with secure servers, robust encryption, and strict access control.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

Here are the next steps to make your business visible.

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